Happy Jack Entertainment Partners with Youtube Health!

Hey Happy Jack Entertainment Fam,

A few weeks ago, we had the honor of hosting a live Therapy Sessions podcast shoot at the YouTube Health Mental Health Summit, featuring guests Jimmie Allen (Country Star) and Olly Sholotan (Carlton, Fresh Prince of Bel Air Spinoff). This conversation became one of the most powerful and impactful discussions we've held to date. In this special episode, Jimmie opened up about a pivotal decision that saved his life, sharing his journey in a way that touched everyone in the room.

Watch it here

November is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month!

Did you know that the the suicide risk for men is four times higher than for women in 2023 (American Institute for Boys and Men)? Together, let's break the stigma that men face every day—the pressure to hide or suppress their emotions. We’re honored to bring you this open and vulnerable conversation with two inspiring men who are shedding light on their mental health journeys. P.S. June is also Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month.

This is your reminder: It’s okay to ask for help.


The Happy Jack Entertainment Team

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